Jonathan Kristofer

It’s the best local junior high school in Jogja, this school has so many facilities such as free WiFi, computer lab, science lab, sports hall, and a soccer field. It also has so many extracurriculars such as swimming, soccer, basketball, technology, photography, etc. In this school there 2 organizations that you can join, it’s OSIS an organization to help other’s and making school programm, and Dewan penggalang or scout’s leader, it teaches the student in scout.


  • Menjadi tempat yang memberikan fasilitas atau sarana prasarana yang dapat mendukung proses berkembangnya kepribadian, kerohanian, dan spiritual.
  • Menjadi pusat pendampingan baik dalam hal fisik, kognitif, sosial, emosional, dan spiritual oleh SDM yang berkompeten.